"Journeying Together to
Know Christ's Love and to Make Christ Known"

What matters?

Faith matters to us

Everything we are and do is based on, and flows from, Christian faith that invites all people into the life-giving love of God through the person and work of Jesus Christ as expressed in the Bible. Faith is a matter of living in connection with God's Holy Spirit, with each other, with all people in all circumstances.

We have a mission that matters

Our mission of “Journeying Together to Know Christ's Love, And to Make Christ Known” is active, communal, centered in Christ Jesus and others-focused.

Our valley and its people matter to us

Our valley and its people matter to us.
Our neighborhood, stretching from Vail Pass to Glenwood Canyon, is a unique place filled with people from all walks of life who have come here to live in the midst of a resort-based community where people invest in family, work, education, fitness, fun, friends, philanthropy and faith. We seek to be good neighbors to our whole community.

The world matters to us

The full scope of God’s love is the world—all people in all places at all times. We seek to be good partners in living out the life of faith in partnership with God’s Spirit wherever we are led beyond our valley.

ERPC is a caring family where ALL ARE WELCOME. We welcome seekers, doubters, as well as those sure in their faith. We are an inclusive, reconciling congregation that welcomes into its membership all persons who profess faith in Jesus Christ regardless of race, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation or economic status. We invite you to join with us in ministry, service, mission and fellowship. Questions? CONTACT US

Eagle River Presbyterian Church is a member of the Denver Presbytery

Eagle River Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church USA